Team Member

"The Real Angels" are Fighting Fit - we are endeavoring to hold our title as "Top Fundraisers" in this years Angels Fitness Challenge. Last year we raised HK$25,650. So please donate and help us shine again this year! Thanks

My Story

"The Real Angels" team are standing strong with Chief Angel; Suzanne Sadler, Wonder-woman; Wendy Cramond, Emilie Clairet  and Julia Perry.

As volunteers for the organisation we really do have a good and clear understanding of what is needed to help the children of Bali Kids and Sunrise Cambodia. By signing up for this challenge we are not only getting healthy and stronger for ourselves but to help the children know that you can achieve anything if you set your mind to it.  

Bali Kids provides a medical outreach programme, taking vital healthcare and health education services to remote areas of the island. On average, some 600 children are treated and helped each month. They operate a 24 hour medical and dental clinic. This service eases the stress and fear sick and vulnerable children face when major surgery is required, with access provided to medical specialists who care for them at such a traumatic time.

Sunrise Cambodia is a world-class charity working on the ground in Cambodia to give much-needed help to at-risk kids, struggling families and poor communities in some of the most poverty-stricken provinces of the country.

Our team has shown true grit and dedication already - working out-doors regardless of what the Hong Kong weather throws at us; sun, rain, intense heat and humidity! Oh and what ever our amazing fitness instructor Kin Ho throws at us, which normally is a medicine ball!

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." Robert Collier

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