Personal Fundraising

Carmen Chai

  • Malaysia    Children, Disability, Education
Raised So Far MYR 1,721

Carmen Chai

I am reaching out to request your support in raising funds for children with autism, specifically to facilitate early screening and provide essential therapy. I aim to support the therapeutic intervention for 5 to 10 children over one year.

The primary objective of this fund is to offer crucial support and resources to individuals and families affected by autism, fostering an inclusive environment where these children can thrive. In Malaysia, many children with autism belong to B40 families who cannot afford the cost of early intervention therapies. Without timely intervention, these children face increasing challenges in bridging the developmental gap with their peers.

Hence, this fundraising effort aims to ensure early intervention for these children. The estimated cost for one child’s therapy for one year is RM1000. I aspire to support the therapy sessions for six children over one year, amounting to RM6000.

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