Donation Appeal

Fundraising for an abuse victim (Ankita*)

  • Malaysia
Raised So Far MYR 150
3% Complete
Target : MYR 5,000

About Appeal

I am reaching out in a time of urgent need. I am an Indian woman who married a Malaysian man in 2005. Unfortunately, my husband turned out to be an alcoholic and a drug addict, and he has been extremely abusive towards me. Despite my family's belief in his respectability, I have faced severe torture and hardship since moving to Malaysia with him.

Over the years, I have endured immense suffering and abuse. Unfortunately my Permanent Residence (PR),was withdrawn due to the change my visa status to "isteri teraniaya" (abused wife), when I seperated from my husband. I am currently unemployed and have been staying in a shelter since June 2024.

I have three children who are Malaysian citizens. Twin (both 16 years old) and last one 8 years old. I had to withdraw them from school due to our financial difficulties. To secure our future, I have taken steps to formalize our separation and ensure our safety.

I urgently need to raise MYR 5000 to cover essential legal and living expenses for myself and my children over the next few months until I can find work.

Your support would make a significant difference in our lives during this challenging time. Thank you for considering my request.

Recent Donors 1

  • Anonymous

    MYR 150 08/08/2024 04:44:07 AM UTC