Donation Appeal

Donate for Rescue Cats 2024

  • Malaysia
Raised So Far MYR 405
5% Complete
Target : MYR 6,957

About Appeal

Search #jmcatsmalaysia across social media platforms for news and updates. 

For transparency, you may look at the offline and online donations I received here    

Update: On Sep 3, 2024 - I have spent a total of RM599.35 out of RM618.75 of donations I received on my personal accounts.

FYI - I only can receive funds donated to SimplyGiving platform twice a month. According to SimplyGiving email - "Important Note: In terms of remittance of funds, we remit funds to personal fundraisers twice a month. Funds that are raised between the 1st -15th of each month will reach you on the last day of the same month. And funds that are raised from the 16th till the end of the month, will reach you by the 15th of the following month. Donations are remitted net of service charges which are listed here:

Sep 1 - Bought Sheba wet food for street cats RM21

Aug 28 - Bought dry food at Lotus's RM25

Aug 26 - I sent Kayla, Akira, Aiko, and Kuro for vaccinations, de-flea, and deworm. Kayla's is healthy and vaccinated while the three kittens have flu, vet said respiratory problems, if persists, need to go for blood test. Also, I bought cat foods for them. (Paid RM123.60 for dry and wet food + RM329.75 vet bills for the cats at Dobby Vet)

Aug 22 - I picked up Kayla from fosterer and sent her to a boarding for few days. Monday I will bring Kayla, Akira, Aiko, and Kuro for vaccinations, de-flea, and deworm. (Paid RM100 to Nora for Kayla temporary boarding).

Background - Scroll down untuk versi BM / 中文請往下閱讀

To every generous heart, I kindly request your support with a donation to pay the vet bills and boarding fees for my rescue cats.

I am an independent street cat rescuer who trap-neuter-release (TNR) cats in my neighbourhood to control street cats’ population.

In addition, rescued cats will undergo de-flea and deworming treatment as well as treatment for injury, if any.

Cats will be rehomed or release back to the street when their neuter/spay and treatment are completed.

I am raising funds to pay for the cat boarding, vet bills, foods for 18 cats (12 kittens, six adult cats).

Now, I am running out of fund to pay their vet and boarding bills. Normally, I cover these bills with my own money.

Alternatively, you may donate to my personal bank account Hong Leong Bank (June Moh Sook Hua) at 281 5016 2474 (I will register this as offline donation) All donations details can be viewed at 

~No amount of donation is too small to make a difference~

*This is a personal initiative and is not affiliated with any organisation

Kepada setiap yang bermurah hati, saya dengan rendah hati mendapatkan sokongan anda dengan menyumbang sedikit sumbangan terhadap bil doktor haiwan dan yuran boarding untuk kucing penyelamat saya.

Saya merupakan penyelamat kucing jalanan bebas yang menjalankan Trap-neuter-release (TNR) kucing di kawasan kejiranan saya untuk mengawal populasi kucing jalanan.

Selain itu, kucing yang diselamatkan akan menjalani rawatan de-flea dan deworming serta rawatan untuk kecederaan, jika ada.

Kucing akan ditempatkan semula atau dilepaskan semula ke jalan apabila neuter/spay dan rawatan mereka selesai.

Saya sedang mengumpul dana untuk membayar boarding kucing, bil doktor haiwan, makanan untuk 18 kucing (12 anak kucing, enam kucing dewasa).

Sekarang, saya kehabisan dana untuk membayar bil doktor haiwan dan asrama mereka. Biasanya, saya menanggung bil ini dengan wang saya sendiri.

Sebagai alternatif, anda boleh menderma ke akaun bank peribadi saya Hong Leong Bank (June Moh Sook Hua) di 281 5016 2474 (Saya akan mendaftar ini sebagai derma luar talian) Semua butiran derma boleh dilihat di

~ No amount of donation is too small to make a difference ~

~ Tiada jumlah yang paling minimum untuk membuat perubahan ~


我是一名獨立的流浪貓救援者,在我家附近捕捉絕育釋放 (TNR) 貓以控制流浪貓的數量。



我正在籌集資金來支付 18 隻貓(12 隻小貓,六隻成年貓)的貓寄宿費用、獸醫費用和食物費用。


或者,您也可以捐款至我的個人銀行帳戶 豐隆銀行 銀行賬號 281 5016 2474(June Moh Sook Hua)(我会在这里更新收到的捐款和收据)所有捐款詳情可在以下網址查看: 

~ No amount of donation is too small to make a difference ~  再微小的捐献,都能带来改变 ~  Tiada jumlah yang paling minimum untuk membuat perubahan ~

*This is a personal initiative and is not affiliated with any organisation

Recent Donors 6

  • Regina Hew

    MYR 10 08/26/2024 02:17:40 AM UTC

  • Chris Tan

    MYR 50 08/25/2024 11:26:05 PM UTC

  • Anonymous

    MYR 200 08/25/2024 12:27:33 PM UTC

  • Zen Yap

    MYR 50 08/23/2024 11:03:34 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    MYR 20 08/21/2024 02:20:19 PM UTC

  • Cheryl Tan

    MYR 75 08/19/2024 04:54:07 AM UTC