Baby Mary is a newborn that had just been delivered in August 2020.
However, her mother who is underprivileged and a single parent to Mary, is unable to provide for her at the current moment due to her confinement (pantang). This means that Baby Mary currently lacks access to basic newborn care such as milk, wet wipes, health check-ups and more.
Here at Yayasan Chow Kit, we believe that Baby Mary deserves immediate assistance to ensure she has the bare necessities to help her grow to be a healthy child.
We are fundraising a total of RM 9,800 to help fund baby supplies and sustain Baby Mary for a year, until her mother is able to recover and provide for them financially. Here is the breakdown of the funds:
We require urgent assistance to help Baby Mary. You can donate towards her via two options:
1. Donate via our Simply Giving fundraiser at
2. Donate directly to our bank account as follows:
All donors will recieve a tax-exemption reciept from YCK.
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Baby Mary's case has been verified by a Yayasan Chow Kit case worker.