Donation Appeal

Help Refugee Treat Ischemic Heart Disease | 幫助難民治療缺血性心臟病

  • Hong Kong
Raised So Far HKD 2,000
2% Complete
Target : HKD 74,000

About Appeal


Vincent* from South Asia was forced to flee his country due to conflict. In recent years, he has battled unbearable chest pain as a refugee in Hong Kong and was diagnosed with unstable Angina. This dangerous condition can cause cardiac arrhythmias and even a heart attack—resulting in sudden death. The chances of heart attack or death within a year for those with unstable Angina are typically between 7-11%, a substantial risk.

As Vincent could not afford the fees, he was unable to undergo the required surgery scheduled in 2021 - 2022.  His declining health has since impacted his day-to-day activities and left him in a dire situation.

To save his life, Vincent urgently needs to raise at least HKD 74,000 to undergo the Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital scheduled on 11 November 2024. The funds would cover the deposit for the self-financed items and equipment needed for the surgery.

Please help save his life, offer hope, and provide a chance for him to rebuild. 

*"Vincent" is a pseudonym used to protect the individual's privacy and identity. He is a person under UNHCR’s mandate. 


來自南亞的Vincent*因衝突被迫逃離他的國家。近年來,他一直承受著難以忍受的胸痛,並被診斷為不穩定型心絞痛。這種危險的病症可能導致心律失常甚至心臟病發作——最終可導致猝死。 對於不穩定型心絞痛患者,一年內心臟病發作或死亡率通常在7%至11%之間,這是一個相當高的風險。


為了挽救他的生命, Vincent急需籌集至少74,000港幣 ,以便在伊利沙伯醫院接受定於2024年11月11日進行的經皮冠狀動脈介入(PCI)手術(俗稱“通波仔手術”)。這筆資金將用於支付自費項目和手術所需設備的押金。


* “Vincent” 是為保護個人隱私和身份而使用的化名。他是聯合國難民署(UNHCR)保護下的人。

Recent Donors 3

  • D D

    HKD 1,000 10/04/2024 04:18:55 PM UTC

  • Anonymous

    HKD 800 10/04/2024 08:54:23 AM UTC

  • Andrew Lau


    HKD 200 10/04/2024 07:26:05 AM UTC