Donation Appeal

Road to Recovery, Fund POPO’s Medical Expense

  • Philippines
Raised So Far PHP 0
0% Complete
Target : PHP 250,000

About Appeal

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to appeal for financial assistance to cover the overwhelming medical expenses my son, POPO has accumulated as a result of a recent medical condition that has left me with a lengthy hospital stay, extensive medical rehabilitation, and ongoing maintenance treatments.

As you may know, POPO was admitted to the hospital due to a cardiac arrest/severe asthma that required immediate attention and treatment. The prolonged stay and intensive care resulted in a staggering hospital bill that I am struggling to pay off. Despite my best efforts to manage my finances, I am facing significant financial hardship and am in desperate need of assistance to cover these expenses.

The promissory note attached to the hospital bill is a constant reminder of the debt I owe, and the anxiety it causes me is overwhelming. I am willing to work with you to establish a payment plan that is manageable for me, but I urgently need help to bridge the gap between my limited financial resources and the outstanding amount owed.In addition to the hospital bill, I have also incurred significant expenses related to medical rehabilitation and ongoing maintenance treatments.

These costs are essential to my recovery, but they add to my financial burden and make it challenging for me to make ends meet. I am reaching out to you in the hope that you can provide financial assistance or guidance on how to navigate this difficult situation.

Any support would be greatly appreciated and would go a long way in helping me recover from this ordeal. Some specific details about my situation are as follows:
  • Hospital bill: 2.1 million pesos
  • Promissory note: 415,000 pesos
  • Medical rehabilitation expenses: 50,000 pesos
  • Ongoing maintenance treatments: 50,000 pesos
I understand that financial assistance is not guaranteed, but I hope that you will consider my plea and work with me to find a solution. I am willing to provide any additional information or documentation required to support my appeal.

Thank you for taking the time to review my situation. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss this further and explore options for financial assistance.

Angelica Garcia (mother)

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