
Join us in making a difference in refugee childrens' lives throughout KL!

My Story

Malaysia is home to 134,550 thousand refugees, none of whom are able to receive government assistance, especially regarding healthcare. We believe that all children should have the resources to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. This is why we’ve started Bridge Healthcare, a project that aims to empower refugee children throughout KL by providing healthcare while fostering meaningful connections between international students and refugee students. 

Last year, Bridge Healthcare partnered with the Oasis Service-Learning Program, HOSA, health clinics, and dental practices to provide free healthcare for refugee children. In January of 2023, a team of students brought doctors and nurses to The Peace Education Center (T-PEC), a school for Chin refugees, and provided free health screenings. If health specialists spotted an issue, we were able to provide funding so the children could get further help from specialists. 
A couple months later, dental screenings were planned and every child at T-PEC was able to receive the care they needed. Whether it was 9 fillings or 5 extractions, every need they had was covered. All of this was made possible because of your generous donations, which provided the children with the opportunity to free healthcare.
Here’s what the head of T-PEC has to say:

“We would like to reach out to you to express our sincere gratitude and thanks. The kindness which you have extended to us was most helpful. The children, our community, and I are forever grateful and pray that you will be blessed more and more. Do keep up the good work in making a difference for the needy and thank you once again. May God’s richest blessings be upon you all!” —Victor Sanaung 

As this past partnership with T-PEC was a success, we plan on expanding and partnering with more refugee students across the city of Kuala Lumpur. But we can’t do it without YOUR help. So whether it's $10 or RM60, we are hoping that you would come alongside us once again and support Bridge Healthcare. Help us provide the most vulnerable children in Malaysia with the healthcare they deserve. 

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