
We are Golden Eagles, standing together to raise funds especially for the most vulnerable children affected by COVID-19. Help us make a difference by giving a donation. Remember, a small donation can make big changes. #COVID19appeal #GoldenEaglesKL #MYunicefteam

My Story

Have you ever dreamed of making the world a better place?

We are Golden Eagles, a group of 16 passionate individuals who are coming together to raise funds for those affected by COVID-19. We love children and we believe they are the future of tomorrow. That is why we have to act NOW.

This is a race against time, as COVID-19 infections continue to soar, quickly reaching the most vulnerable. But, those on the front-line remain dedicated. Around the world, UNICEF is working with governments, the World Health Organization, other UN agencies and NGOs, to stop the transmission of COVID-19. Millions of people have died and some are affected by the outbreak economically, socially and emotionally. In response to this pandemic, lets join hands and make a donation to assist the families and children who are at risk in:
  • Healthcare
  • Nutrition
  • Education
  • Child-protection
  • Psycho-social support 


PS 😉: For the first RM 1000 raised, Golden Eagles will do 25 squats and post it here. So, let's do this! 

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