
Make a Difference! Every Life, Every Donation, Every Bit of Kindness! Thank you for helping me reach my goal. NOW, LET'S GO FURTHER!

My Story

Hello everyone! My name is Yao Sern, and I am 14 years old. I am currently studying in Year 10 at BSKL. I have decided to organise this fundraiser for Hospis Malaysia because I believe they are supporting a very noble cause. Starting a fundraiser for Hospis Malaysia was not something I ever imagined I would do, but after losing my father, it felt like the right way to honour his memory. I am fortunate to be healthy and have the privilege of pursuing my wishes and dreams, but I am aware that not everyone is so lucky. Having witnessed palliative care up close, I understand how much it costs and the strain it places on families. Thankfully, my family was wealthy enough to afford my father's equipment, medication, and nurses, but many are not so fortunate. Hospis Malaysia exists to support families like these, providing care without asking for any payment, relying solely on donations. Their goal is to deliver the best possible palliative care and improve the quality of life for both their patients and their families. I am confident that together, we can contribute to this mission and offer help to those who need it most!


I will be blogging and why!

Hello everyone!!! 

During the next 2 months I will be blogging on this website in which I will be posting a story/memory of my father every alternate day. The reason I have chosen to do this blog is on a personal note, I want this project to be a keepsake for me to share the memories of my father and to do something to honour him. On another note, I am also doing this for others to see who my father was and remember him for all the lasting impressions that he has made on them. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it !


Blog 1: The dreadful day it all happened …

It was a casual day and I was going home from school, exhausted after basketball practice. I was dreading having to go for my swimming class. I entered the house to the usual silence as my father would often be sleeping in his room after his work. Dashing towards the fridge to gobble down anything I could eat, I saw my mother heading upstairs.

I was nibbling on some macarons that I found in the fridge until I heard a glass shattering scream from upstairs. Scared and slightly curious, I rushed upstairs to see what the commotion was about. Outside my father’s room there was an appalling stench. I hesitated to open the door but eventually did, the sight I saw was horrifying, disgusting and something I would never want to see again.

There were 3 main things that changed in the room that day. First, a revolting trail of vomit across the marble floor. That trail led back to my father’s mouth as he laid completely still on the bed. Second , beside him my mom was sitting there with her face showing all sorts of emotions - distraught, confusion and sadness. She was frantically calling someone on the phone. Third, I just stood there confused about what was going on. After that everything went by as a blur image. Relatives and ambulances came to take him away. Since I was young I did not understand the gravity of the situation and was instead happy that I did not need to go for my swimming practice… something that I regret heavily.

*** look out for my next story on 28 September 2024


Special Thanks 

I want to express my heartfelt thanks for your generous donation to my fundraising. Your contribution is incredibly meaningful to me, and it will have a lasting impact on the success of this effort. I’m so grateful for your support and encouragement as I work towards my goal. Your kindness and generosity has inspired me, and I couldn’t be more appreciative. Thank you for making a difference and standing with me! Even though I have hit my target I have decided to set a new mental goal for myself and hope to achieve it too!!


Blog 2: Lying to my mother…both of us.

Before I start this story I would like to state that we do not condone any form of lying… Lying is bad, actually very bad because it undermines trust, damages relationships, and can lead to harmful consequences to both parties. However, in this story my father and I were lying to go have fun and did not hurt anyone - except my mother’s pride.

For me, every Saturday was a very special day. Saturday was the only day that my father did not work and so he would follow me to “squash practices”. Supposedly, “squash training” is where I would work hard to exercise and improve at squash.  

Every Saturday morning, I would wake up at 7 o'clock to get ready. I would grab my squash gear and get in the car to head for squash. My father would be the one to send me as my mother was always not free.

However, there was never a “squash practice” on Saturdays only Fridays and Sundays. So, where did I go? My father would bring me to our favourite restaurant called “Malabar”. It was a typical mamak shop near our housing area and both of loved to eat there. Sadly, it is now closed. During the 2 hours there my father and I would be eating some delicious nasi lemak, roti canai, chicken rice and many other dishes. It even reached a point where we had tried every dish on the menu which did not have beef due to our religion. These 2 hours were for ours, for us to unwind and we would talk about anything that came to mind like sports, games and school. After the 2 hours we would head home pretending to my mother that we were working and training super hard.

So one Saturday morning was no different. My father and I were casually eating at the mamak shop as usual, while chatting about Arsenal (the football team that we supported), when suddenly he stopped mid-sentence. His face went pale and he trembled in fear. From behind I felt a cold, sharp gaze piercing through me. I had a guess on who was standing behind me and when I turned my head….I saw my Mom. After that fiasco, it was safe to say that my father and I stayed home on Saturdays. However, to this day I would go back to this memory and laugh to myself. How ridiculous it was and how both dad and I spent quality time - something I will treasure.

***look out for my next story on 30/9/2024


Blog 3: My hero!

We were going to the beach and I was so excited. It was my first time experiencing the beach. The car ride there was so chaotic, my sister and I were fighting in the back seat over who got the spongebob themed towel, my mother was stressed as she left her sunscreen at home (it was actually in my bag) and my father was on a work call begging us to keep quiet. I had mixed feelings: happy to explore new things, scared that it may be a negative experience and tired from not being able to sleep the night before. To put us all at ease, my father began playing music on the radio and we were jamming out to old classics like Lincoln Park or the Backstreet boys. We were ecstatic!


We had decided to go early in the morning to avoid the crowd and to get a good spot on the beach. We reached the beach and were welcomed to the beautiful sight of the sunrise, the sounds of the gawking seagulls and the smell of fresh breeze. We found the perfect spot on the beach and began applying the sunscreen. After putting on our swimsuits, there was only one thing left to do. Enjoy!

There were a multitude of options that we could pick from such as fishing, swimming or even making sandcastle. We quickly chose to build sandcastles and got carried away as we completely covered my father with sand. It was kind of creepy seeing only his head sticking out of the sand. After that we decided to go swimming to wash away the sand, the sea was super cool and refreshing, the waves were swaying us up and down like a rollercoaster. However, as a 5 year old I wandered a bit too far away from the beach and got swept away. I could no longer touch the seabed and was being dragged by the tides, slowly submerging under water and beginning to drown. Thankfully, my father heroically fought against the harsh waves and saved me. What a hero!!!

In this near death experience I had learned 2 main things. The first thing that I learned is that I should not go too deep into the sea as I may never be able to get back. Secondly, I learned how brave my father was. It was one of the first memories that I have of my father and it will always have a special place in my heart. Without my father being there that day I will not be around today writing about it. He saved me!

***look out for my next story on 2/10/2024


Blog 4: The time we actually went for squash practice!

My father absolutely loved to play sports, mainly rackets sports such as squash, table tennis and badminton. However, his favourite and best sport was squash. Due to this hobby he decided to make me follow in his footsteps and also play squash.

I still remember the first day that he introduced me to squash and to teach me. It was a bright sunny morning and my father brought me to his favourite club called KGNS to play squash. He had been a member of this club for the past 5 years, consistently going every week. At first, I had no clue what squash was, all I knew was that it was a racket sport which my father adored. During the car ride there he talked and talked about everything regarding the sport. The rules, the equipment and the best players. It was too much for my little brain to comprehend. I did not understand anything yet, but once I got into the squash court and started playing, it was simply amazing.

After warming up, we began playing, and that’s when things really got interesting. My dad kept it light, letting me get comfortable with the pace while offering tips on how to improve my shots. He showed me how to position myself on the court and in time my swings got better, while keeping the game fun and competitive. Every time I missed tde ball, he’d give me a quick pointer, and whenever I made a good shot, he'd give an encouraging nod. It felt like a real bonding experience, and each time we played, I could feel myself getting a little better, thanks to his guidance.

After those early games with my dad, I got hooked on squash and continued playing regularly. I practised as often as I could, focusing on the little tips he has given me—like improving my footwork and anticipating where the ball would go. As I played more, my reflexes sharpened, and I started to understand the strategy behind the game. I also worked on my endurance, which made a huge difference in longer rallies. Over time, I could feel myself getting faster and more confident on the court, hitting cleaner shots and reacting quicker. Each session felt like progress, and it became a sport I genuinely enjoyed and looked forward to mastering it.

To this day I still play squash and enjoy it just as much as when we first started. Every time I step onto the court, it feels like a way of staying connected to him. The lessons he taught me and the memories of our games together are always in the back of my mind. Playing squash has become more than just a sport for me—it's a reminder of those special moments we shared, and I feel like I’m keeping a part of him alive every time I play.

*** look out for my next story on 4/10/2024


Blog 5: My Personal Trampoline... My Dad!

Before we start this story, just know I was 5 years old and did no harm to my father.

Every morning started the same way for me, and it was always the highlight of my day. The moment I woke up, I knew exactly what I wanted to do: head straight to my dad’s room and jump on his big, soft tummy. I slipped out of bed and tiptoed down the hallway, trying to be quiet, even though we both knew what was coming. I peeked into his room, and there he was, fast asleep. His belly rose and fell like a giant balloon, the perfect landing spot just waiting for me.

I snuck closer, barely holding in my excitement, and then I jumped. I landed right on his round belly, and it jiggled under me, soft like a cushion. He woke up with a familiar groan, not even surprised anymore. He was used to this—it was our little morning ritual.

His big belly was the best. It was like bouncing on the softest trampoline, and since I was skinny and light then, it felt like I was floating every time I landed. There was something about it that just made me smile, knowing I could start the day like this. He never really complained, not sure why. Sure, he pretended to be grumpy about it, but deep down, I knew he loved it as much as I did. It was our way of sharing a moment of laughter and joy before the day officially began. I’d bounce a few more times before finally rolling off, both of us chuckling.

The mornings felt special because of this. It wasn’t just about jumping on his belly; it was the connection we shared in those quiet, playful moments. This simple routine brought us closer, and it made the start of every day feel just a little bit brighter.

Look out for my next blog on 6/10/2024!


Blog 6:The Field of Dreams

My love for football began in the backyard, with a slightly deflated ball, a patchy lawn, and my father. He wasn’t a professional footballer, but to me, he was everything. His passion for the game, especially for Arsenal, was contagious. Through him, I learned not just to play, but to feel the game deeply.

Every weekend, we’d sit together to watch Arsenal. Coffee for him, juice for me. It didn’t matter if the team was soaring or struggling; we watched every moment with the same enthusiasm. He would explain the tactics, the brilliance of the players, and why Arsenal stood for something greater than football alone. Over the years, I came to understand the depth of his connection to the club and how much it meant to him.

After the matches, we’d head to the park, kicking the ball around like the players we had just watched. My dad would try to imitate the finesse of Arsenal legends, and I’d do my best to follow his lead. Neither of us cared if we got it right; it was the joy of being together that made those moments feel perfect.

As time went on and I got older, our trips to the park became less frequent. Life got in the way. But when we did watch or play, it felt like nothing had changed. His stories about Arsenal’s glory days, about the players he admired, always brought me back to the simple love for the game that he instilled in me.

Then, unexpectedly, he passed away.

Losing him was like losing a part of my world. For a while, I couldn’t even bring myself to watch Arsenal. The empty space beside me made every match feel heavier. His old boots sat unused, a quiet reminder of the bond we had shared. I missed him more than words could say.

Over time, I found my way back to football. Watching Arsenal again felt like reconnecting with him, like he was still there with me in every goal, every tackle, every celebration. Though he’s no longer by my side, his love for the game lives on in me.

***look out for my next story on the 8/10/2024

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  • Nadziff Bustari

    MYR 1,500 10/06/2024 02:16:41 PM UTC

  • Anonymous

    MYR 25 10/05/2024 11:24:44 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    MYR 300 10/05/2024 08:42:46 AM UTC

  • Gisselle Caceres

    MYR 150 10/05/2024 06:29:34 AM UTC

  • Cheah Lean yong

    MYR 2,000 10/05/2024 05:52:58 AM UTC

  • Hong Tan

    Good Job young man

    MYR 500 10/05/2024 01:32:16 AM UTC

  • Charlotte Leng

    Dear Yao Sern, I am very sorry to hear of your father’s suffering and what you and your family have endured. He would be extremely proud of you. Keep shining bright. Sending love from Ms Leng, Sofia and Eli xxx

    MYR 300 10/04/2024 02:48:55 PM UTC

  • Mariyam Jaufar

    MYR 150 10/04/2024 12:34:36 PM UTC

  • Anonymous

    MYR 100 10/04/2024 11:32:28 AM UTC

  • Hannah Chow

    MYR 50 10/04/2024 08:30:41 AM UTC

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