
"🌟 Join the Movement of Generosity! 🤝✨ Make a Difference Today with Your Donation! 🌈💖 Every Contribution is a Beacon of Hope, Illuminating Lives. 🌟🎁 Together, Let's Build a Better Tomorrow! 💚💰 Your Support Matters - Empower Change, Ignite Impact! 🔥🌍 #DonateForChange #TransformingLives"

My Story

We are Heriot-Watt University students uniting for a purpose. Our mission is to amplify awareness, understanding, and support for the deaf community with the help of MFD. Through fundraising activities, inclusivity campaigns, and educational efforts, we aim to create a harmonious society where everyone's voice is heard. Join us in building a future where signs of solidarity speak louder than silence.

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    MYR 200 03/21/2024 04:01:59 AM UTC

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