Fundraising Event


  • 14/01/2016 - 31/03/2016
  • Malaysia
MYR 17,308
100% Complete
Target : MYR 17,308

About Event



姓名  :余秀花  
年龄  :40
职业  保险经纪因有病在身没法继续工作) 病历  : 骨髓白血症【急性血癌】(  
:小儿麻痹症(婴孩8个月发烧,烧坏右脚神经,目前右脚只能用脚跟走路)       :心脏跳动频率不正常 (8/1/ 2016化疗期间医生告知)
家庭  :SOO YOKE MUN  49岁(丈夫 – 暂时没做工3个月了因为要照顾我)
:SOO ZHENG KANG  16岁(儿子)
:SOO ZHENG LONG  15岁(儿子)
:SOO XIAO TONG   10岁(女儿)
希望得到:骨髓,血型B+ (有意捐骨髓者能前往Hospital Ampang及Hospital Raja Permaisuri                                      Bainun(怡保)配对)   
募捐数额:一家5口生活费-马币 RM55800
【上个患者多筹了RM5,800(所以这次只需筹获                                  RM50,000)】
 生活费如下:RM 1,000(目前的屋子贷款/电水/杂费)                   
:RM 1,200(3名孩子的学业费用,再穷不能穷教育)
                    :RM 1,500(伙食费RM50/@30天【一家5口的伙食】)
                    :RM    500(来回政府医院车油费)
                    :RM    450(中药以防止脚肌肉继续萎缩)
RM 4,650/月 x 12个月 = RM 55,800 - RM 5,800(此数额来自于LOH) = RM 50,000

40岁,是一名小儿麻痹症患者。就在去年10月得知自己患上了骨髓白血症血癌)。目前丈夫己经3个月没做工,因为需要照顾行动不便(犹如残废)的我。因为了解自己经济状况的我选择了进政府医院(每个月都需付最多RM500给政府医院)。所以目前医疗费用还能用医药卡顶上。现在的我3个星期需要进行化疗每个月进行一次骨髓抽取检验。而且我每个月都需要住在政府医院最少3个星期(每天收费RM 25)。就在上个月我住了长达整个月15/12/15-13/1/16。医生告诉我这样的日子需要等到有骨髓捐赠者才会停止。在这3个月内我们也把仅有的储蓄都用光在生活费用。在这我希望通过LOCKS OF HOPE慈善机构帮我呼吁大家捐助一些生活费。在此我答应大家,如果我得以康复,我会站出来为抗癌做宣传。

[Poliomyelitis] + [Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)] 

 A family’s helpless smile. . .

Name         : Yee Siew Fah
I / C            : 760423-08-5600
Age            : 40
Occupation: Insurance agent (Patient unable to work due to AML.)
Medical History: Acute Myeloid Leukemia (Patient is currently waiting for suitable bone marrow to do                                bone marrow transplant. There are no suitable bone marrow from all family members                               and relatives)         
                         : Poliomyelitis(occurs due to high fever which occur during 8 months of age,burned                                        right feet nerve, can only walk with heels)         
                         :Arrhythmia (Irregular heart beat - Informed by doctor on 8/1/2016 during chemotherapy)
Family members: SOO YOKE MUN 49 years (husband - temporarily unemployed since the past three                                 months due to taking care of patient)          
                           : SOO ZHENG KANG 16 years old (son)          
                           : SOO ZHENG LONG 15 years old (son)         
                           : SOO XIAO TONG 10 years old (daughter)
Request : bone marrow, blood type B +
                 (Interested individual can go for bone marrow test at Hospital Ampang and Hospital Raja                          Permaisuri Bainun【Ipoh】)   
               : Wheelchair (Patient is unable to walk after starting chemotherapy treatment)
Fund raise amount: Total family daily expenses for 1 year - RM RM55,800
[Extra fund from previous cancer patient - RM5,800 (Exact donation needed - RM50,000)]
Monthly living expenses as follows : RM 1,000 (current housing loan & utilities fee)
                                                         : RM 1,200 (School fees for 3 children)
                                                         : RM 1,500 (meals RM 50 / day @ 30 days for 5 family members)
                                                         : RM    500 (Transportation cost for round trip to government                                                                          hospital)
                                                         : RM    450 (traditional Chinese medicine for Poliomyelitis)
These are the monthly living expenses for my family. I hope the public can support us and we do not have to worry about the family’s living expenses for this coming year.

I am Yee Siew Fah, age 40 years old. I am a poliomyelitis patient. I was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukiemia on October 2015. Currently, my husband is unemployed because he has to take care of me. I am immobilized since started on chemotherapy treatment. I am receiving treatment in government hospital because I do not want to burden my husband for the high treatment cost in private setting. My current cost of treatment in government hospital is RM500/month and it is funded by my insurance medical card. My current chemotherapy regimen is every 3 weekly. Besides that, I will need to do a Bone Marrow Aspiration test to check on the bone marrow condition once a month. During each cycle of chemotherapy, I will need to be admitted in the hospital for at least 3 weeks. For the past month, I have been admitted for 1 month (15/12/2015 – 13/1/2016). The doctor told me that this condition will has to last until there is a suitable bone marrow for transplant. In the past 3 months, we have used up all our savings to support our daily expenses. With this, I hope that Locks of Hope Association could help us to raise funds. Here, I promise that I will contribute back to the society by promoting cancer prevention once I recover.
Thank you.