
Water is an important basic necessity. Help me raise funds to repair the much needed water facility in San Gabriel, Batangas, in partnership with World Vision.

My Story

For more than three years, I have been working with World Vision – Philippines in providing Filipino children, families, and communities with access to education, health care, nutritious food, clean water, livelihood opportunities and more. My sponsored children—Louigi, Geremay, Marris, Jhon Carlo and Clifford—helped me develop a deeper appreciation of the blessings I have received from our good Lord and I cannot imagine a better way of paying these blessings forward other than sharing it with those that are close to the heart of the Lord, just like these children.  

Just recently, I was given the opportunity to visit a community in Batangas where World Vision has been working in since 2012. We went to San Gabriel Elementary School to give toys to 100 children with the help of a partner organization. I also read a book to them that helps parents take better care of the young.   I had a great time with the kids but something the school principal, Dr. Mary Grace Satumbaga, shared with me has been burdening me since. I was told that their water facility has been broken for four (4) months now. This means that children leave their rooms in the middle of classes to use the bathrooms in their homes just because they have no access to water in school, a basic necessity not just for children but also for adults.  

I can only imagine how difficult this must be to more than 900 children and teachers in San Gabriel Elementary School. It would cost an estimate of P50,000 to provide them with a new water facility and it is my prayer that you would join me in raising this much-needed amount so students in San Gabriel would not have to worry about missing a lesson.  

Your pledge of any amount will surely be a blessing.  

Thank you so much for helping me provide this basic necessity to the children and teachers in San Gabriel Elementary School. I will keep in touch with you regarding the progress of this effort in the following days. If you wish to know more about their situation, you may reach me through [email protected] .

Recent Donors

  • Generosa Taupa

    PHP 2,000 02/16/2019 01:11:08 PM UTC

  • Anonymous Anonymous

    PHP 10,000 02/01/2019 04:39:19 PM UTC

  • Anonymous

    “To be men & women for others “ - in its truest essence. May you touch more lives with your generous heart , ‘rard . God bless!

    PHP 2,000 01/31/2019 10:45:32 PM UTC

  • Roshirl Zara-Rey Matinong

    In support of San Gabriel Elementary School.

    USD 80 01/31/2019 07:54:48 AM UTC

  • Angeles Elena Rioveros

    More power to San Gabriel Elementary School!

    PHP 2,000 01/31/2019 07:23:19 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    PHP 3,000 01/31/2019 05:05:10 AM UTC

  • Anonymous

    PHP 1,000 01/30/2019 11:33:22 AM UTC

  • Abigael San Pedro

    In support of the initiative for San Gabriel Elementary School, Batangas.

    USD 60 01/29/2019 08:17:47 AM UTC

  • Cez Orbista

    In support of the initiative of Gerard Abejuela.

    PHP 1,500 01/28/2019 09:43:42 AM UTC

  • Siene Walker

    PHP 1,500 01/25/2019 10:02:46 AM UTC

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