Lending Project

Back to school aid for palestinian

  • Malaysia
Raised So Far MYR 0
0% Complete
Target : MYR 18,000

About Lending Project

Project title: "Back to School Aid for 500 Palestinian Students"

The excitement of going back to school is universal, but for the children of Gaza, it's a dream that's often marred by the lack of essential resources and supplies. As poverty continues to rise in Gaza, parents struggle to provide their children with the tools they need to excel academically. Our mission is clear: to provide these young minds with the supplies and support they deserve, unlocking their potential for a brighter future.

Our Solution:
We aim to provide school bags filled with essential supplies for 500 Palestinian students aged 4 to 16. With your help, we can make a tangible difference in their educational journey. These supplies aren't just stationery; they're tools of empowerment and guidance.

How We Will Distribute:
Our dedicated team will distribute 500 backpacks and school packs to schools across Gaza, focusing on the most vulnerable students. These resources will reach refugee camps and villages in four out of the five governorates of Gaza: North, Gaza, Deir El Balah, and Khan Yunis.

Contents of the School Packs:

12 notebooks
12 pencils
3 pens
2 rulers
2 erasers
2 sharpeners
Colored pencils
Pencil Case

The Long-Term Impact:
Our ultimate goal is to create an environment of confidence and empowerment within the academic realm for the children of Palestine. We aspire to inspire students to expand their knowledge and become catalysts for positive change in their communities, shaping a brighter future for generations to come.


"The school bags are a symbol of support, providing a sense of normalcy in children's lives. No matter the circumstances, education must continue." - On-ground Distribution Partner

"My son used to feel ashamed at school with his torn and old bag that belonged to his older brother. Thanks to the backpack project, he now walks to school with excitement and without shame. I felt joy when he received the new school bag and stationery that will meet his needs for several months to come." - Mother of a 9-year-old boy from UNRWA school in Nuseirat refugee Camp

"This school bag will help my daughter a lot. I can't thank you enough." - S, a widow in Shati refugee camp

"Teachers have started giving students homework for the first time because they are now confident that the students are equipped to do their assignments." - Principal from Maghazi refugee camp

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