Personal Fundraising

Danny Yeo

  • Malaysia    Children, Education

Danny Yeo

I hope this message finds you all in good health and high spirits. Today, I am reaching out to share a heartfelt story and ask for your support in helping a family that is going through a difficult time.Meet my dear friend,Sarah, a brave and resilient single mother who has been facing life's challenges with unwavering strength. Three years ago, she lost her beloved husband to cancer, leaving her to care for their three beautiful children on her own. Her eldest daughter is 11 years old, the second is 10, and their youngest is just 6 years old.Despite the tremendous loss they have experienced, Sarah remains determined to provide the best life possible for her children. Education is of utmost importance to her, as it represents a pathway to a brighter future for her kids. Unfortunately, the family's TV, which they rely on for studying and learning, recently broke down with two black lines on the screen. The repair shop has confirmed that it's beyond repair, leaving the family without a crucial tool for their studies.This is where we, as a caring and compassionate community, can make a significant impact. We have the opportunity to come together and help Sarah's family purchase a new TV so her children can continue their education without disruption. The cost of a suitable replacement is approximately MYR 1500, and every little contribution counts.By donating to this fundraiser, you will directly support the education and future prospects of three deserving young souls. No amount is too small; your generosity will make a world of difference in their lives. With a new TV, Sarah's children can continue their studies from the comfort of their home, and we can contribute to building a brighter future for them.Let's rally together and show the power of our community's kindness and empathy. Your act of giving will not only provide a new TV but also serve as a symbol of hope, love, and support to a family that has faced more than their fair share of challenges.To contribute, please reach out to me directly. If you're unable to contribute financially, your prayers and well-wishes for the family are equally valuable.Thank you for taking the time to read this heartfelt appeal. Let's make a positive difference in the lives of Sarah and her children, showing them that they are not alone in this journey.

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