
Kechara Soup Kitchen

  • Malaysia    Humanitarian Aid, Poverty, Social Welfare, Welfare
Raised So Far MYR 100,066

Kechara Soup Kitchen

Hunger Knows No Barriers – aptly describes Kechara Soup Kitchen, a not-for-profit and NGO established in 2008, that provides food, basic medical services, eye check, haircut, clothes to the homeless and urban poor regardless of race and creed; there is always someone to listen to their problems and offer advice.

Our non‐discriminatory attitude also extends to our volunteers who come from all walks of life, motivated by the common goal of helping others. We work towards reducing homelessness by reuniting the homeless with their family, getting their lost documents replaced, rehoming, finding them jobs.

From distributing food to the homeless, we have grown to collect surplus food from hypermarkets, wet markets, hotels, bakeries. These are given to the urban poor and to other charitable organisations instead of landing in the dumps. Donated dry foods are stored in our food bank premises and distributed to the poor before the product expiry date. Also in our premises, single mothers and at-risk mothers are taught skill sets, enabling them to earn money and provide for their families.

KSK strives to reduce homelessness, reduce food wastage, stop poverty leading to a nation of cleaner environment and better lives for the less privileged community.

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