Personal Fundraising

Miliza Faith Salmasan

  • Philippines    Cancer, Medical & Health

Miliza Faith Salmasan

Hello everyone,

My name is Miliza, and today I’m reaching out to you not just as a niece, but as someone who has witnessed firsthand the unwavering strength of a woman who means the world to me. My Auntie Lyn has recently undergone a surgery that has left her right breast removed, a devastating recurrence of the battle she thought she had won years ago. 

This June, our fears were confirmed when an ultrasound revealed an irregular, ominous mass in her remaining breast. The left breast, where her cancer journey began, had already been taken from her years ago in a distant country, far from the comfort of her loved ones. For over 14 years, Auntie Lyn has selflessly cared for others as a NICU nurse, spending sleepless nights and tireless days nurturing the most fragile of lives. She has always been the rock of our family, the one who put everyone else’s needs before her own, even as she faced the most harrowing challenges.

In 2009, when she was first diagnosed with breast cancer, she faced it alone, across oceans, with only our prayers to comfort her. The pain of knowing she was battling this terrifying disease without us by her side was almost unbearable. But Auntie Lyn fought with a courage that inspired us all. She became a survivor, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

Now, as she faces the loss of her right breast, the weight of her battle has returned, and it is heavier than ever. She continues to work in Laguna, earning a modest salary, yet never once has she complained about the hardships she endures. She is the sole provider for our family, the one who never gave up, even when life seemed unbearably cruel.

But now, she needs us. She needs all of us. We are desperately trying to raise the funds necessary to cover her medical bills and the chemotherapy. I am humbly asking for your help—any contribution, no matter how small, will bring us one step closer to easing her burden and giving her the chance to heal.

Please, from the bottom of our hearts, help us in this time of need. Let us show Auntie Lyn that she is not alone in this fight, that her years of giving have not gone unnoticed, and that she is surrounded by love and support. Attached are the documents that detail her situation, and we thank you, deeply and sincerely, for any assistance you can offer.

May God bless you abundantly for your kindness and generosity.

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