
Playright Children's Play Association

  • Hong Kong    Children
Raised So Far HKD 89,309

Playright Children's Play Association

智樂兒童遊樂協會(智樂 Playright)於1987年在香港成立,是一所慈善團體,30多年以來一直肩負起推動兒童遊戲的使命,全因我們「看重孩子,看得起遊戲」。我們以專業、熱情及賦權為價值觀,致力倡導遊戲的價值,冀望尋求社會各界承諾在政策、籌劃及服務供應上,建立一個尊重、保護、實踐兒童遊戲權利的社會,希望透過遊戲,回應每一位兒童的遊戲需要,讓孩子擁有豐盛生命、樂享童年


The Playright Children’s Play Association (Playright), established in 1987, is a Hong Kong-based charity organization. For more than 30 years of establishment, we are committed to promoting play for children because we Value Children, Value Play. We are dedicated to the advocacy of the value of play with our professionalism, passion and empowerment. We seek the commitment from all levels of the society to meet the play needs of every child at policy, planning and service provision level. We aim to build a society that respects, protects and fulfills a Child’s Right to Play, where children can enjoy their happy and fruitful childhood.

For more details of Playright, please go to: