Personal Fundraising

Vaisshanavi Sivabalan

  • Malaysia    Children, Education, Social Welfare
Raised So Far MYR 1,250

Vaisshanavi Sivabalan

How You Can Help: To bring this vision to life, we need your support. We are raising funds to purchase 6 book racks and a selection of new books that cater to all reading levels and interests. Every donation, no matter the size, will bring us closer to our goal.

Donation Breakdown: Where Your Support Goes

  • 6 Book Racks: RM 1,500. 00
    Durable and spacious, these racks will neatly store and display books, making them easily accessible for students in every classroom.
  • Books & Setup: RM 500.00
    This will fund new books, log books, and decorations to create inviting spaces. It also promotes our new Book Club, fostering a community of young readers eager to explore and share stories. 
Your Impact :
By donating to this cause, you’re not just buying books or furniture—you’re giving our students the gift of knowledge, imagination, and the opportunity to succeed. You’re helping to build a foundation that will support their education and personal growth for years to come.

Join Us in Making a Difference

We invite you to be part of this transformative project. Together, we can create spaces where stories come to life and where every student can discover the magic of reading.

Donate today and help us turn these classrooms into places where dreams are nurtured and futures are shaped—one book at a time.

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