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Phoenix Touch cleans up Sai Kung coastlines and drums up environmental consciousness
Hong Kong, 30th Oct 2020 - From 24 to 26 October, Phoenix Touch, an elite local touch rugby club, cleared the coasts of Sharp Island in Sai Kung as part of its participation in this year’s “Adventure Clean Up Challenge” (ACUC). ACUC is the first multi-discipline sports competition with an environmental mission of cleaning some of the coastal areas around Hong Kong whilst raising awareness and education about local pollution issues.

Members of Phoenix Touch met the challenge head-on and channelled their pent-up energies from the disrupted space of local sports to the beach clean-up. The result was an efficient, safe and meaningful beach clean-up on Sharp Island, successfully completed over three days. The clean-up itself was accompanied by an impressive set of awareness-raising social media posts documenting the team’s efforts and fun, which members of the public can find on popular social media platforms.

Needless to say, an immeasurable amount of behind-the-scenes organisation, planning and teamwork was needed to take the project across the finish line. The unique combination of skill sets amongst the members of Phoenix Touch, together with their commitment and passion, lead to Phoenix Touch clearing (in only three days): an engine, two rubber tires, two large metal frames, two stools, four fridges, 13 ghost nets, 15 barrels, 22 large styrofoam boxes and pieces and 103 bags of trash.

“We’re just glad to do something meaningful, especially with people whose company we enjoy so much. It was fun - I’ve never seen someone stand-up paddle board with a disposed refrigerator before. It was also fulfilling - it is clear to all of us now that our team and our activities go much deeper than a group of people with a common sports interest, but a community that has a passion for positive initiatives. In this case, we just can’t overstate how important it is to try and protect our environment. No one is going to clean up after us, and we need to all learn to do it ourselves.” says Alex Tsang, coach of Phoenix Touch.

About Phoenix Touch
Phoenix Touch was founded in 2015 to develop touch rugby (otherwise known as touch football) with the goal of reaching an international elite level. Its mission is to become one of the top touch teams around the Asian region, with a strong focus on player development across all backgrounds, cultures, age and gender. It also aims to contribute to the growth of touch rugby as a sport in Hong Kong and around the region.

Phoenix Touch清理西貢海岸線 增強環保意識
2020年10月30日 香港

10月24日至26日,香港非撞式欖球會精英組別- Phoenix Touch,參加了今年「海岸清潔歷險大挑戰 」(又名:Adventure Clean Up Challenge, ACUC),以三天的形式清潔了西貢的海岸(橋咀島)。ACUC是香港首個跨專業舉辦的運動比賽,舉辦單位希望通過此海灘清潔比賽去提高公眾對環境廢物、海岸污染的認知及教育,提升大家對這類社會活動的重視。

Phoenix Touch的成員面對各項挑戰,同時他們亦利用對欖球比賽的壓抑轉移到海灘清潔工作上,在西貢橋咀島上用三天的時間進行了有效、安全及有意義的海灘清理。三天的海灘清潔過程一一在社交媒體平台上記錄著,一個又一個令人印象深刻的過程都被展示出來,包括團隊的努力與樂趣,當中的辛與酸、艱與辛。

毋庸置疑地說,這一切都需要一位位幕後功臣去努力才能完成:完善的計劃和團隊合作使項目在三天內順利完成。 Phoenix Touch成員之間的專業能力均完美地互相配合,加上所有人對此事的承諾和熱情,令海灘上的垃圾都一一歸至應有的位置,當中的垃圾包括:1個引擎、2個橡膠輪胎、2個大金屬框架、2張凳子、4個冰箱、 13個鬼網、15個桶、22個大型泡沫塑料盒和碎片及103袋垃圾,所有不應出現在海灘上出現的東西都被Phoenix Touch的成員執走。

Phoenix Touch的教練Alex Tsang

關於Phoenix Touch
Phoenix Touch成立於2015年,致力於向國際精英水平發展觸式欖球(也稱為觸控足球)。目標是成為亞洲地區頂級的球隊之一,透過接納多樣性的球員,從而去協助香港以及整個亞太地區的觸式欖球發展。

Recent Donors

  • Anonymous

    Great work! Thanks for making Hong Kong a better place!

    HKD 1,600 11/03/2020 02:46:30 PM UTC

  • Anonymous

    HKD 500 11/02/2020 05:43:35 AM UTC

  • Huen Pui Sze

    Support Team Pheonix for a sustainable environment! Thank you for your efforts!

    HKD 200 11/02/2020 04:52:38 AM UTC

  • Mayda Ngai

    HKD 200 11/02/2020 03:15:59 AM UTC

  • Muns Ip

    Well done Alex!

    HKD 200 11/02/2020 03:02:51 AM UTC

  • Philip Leung

    Rise Up

    HKD 250 11/02/2020 02:55:47 AM UTC

  • Rachel Cheng

    Love what Phoenix is doing! Miss playing with you guys <3

    HKD 100 11/02/2020 01:11:25 AM UTC

  • Team PhenomenallyPink

    Go Phoenix!!

    HKD 100 11/01/2020 03:23:17 PM UTC

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