The Singapore Red Cross (SRC) is a homegrown humanitarian organisation dedicated to relieve human suffering, protect lives and dignity and respond to emergencies since 1949. Our blood donor mobilisation programme, home for the disabled, transport aid, food aid, community led action for resilience, community first aid and training derive from our mission to serve the vulnerable.
Every cent collected and every effort contributed will make a significant impact on the beneficiaries of our local humanitarian services:
Red Cross Home for the Disabled - provides long-term residential, respite and day care services for children and adults with both severe multiple physical and mental disabilities.
TransportAid - helps the elderly and the disabled from low-income homes get to and from their vital medical treatments, rehabilitation and day care centres.
FoodAid - monthly rations of nutritious food to the elderly, disabled and disadvantaged in our community.
Community Led Action for Resilience (CLARE) - a community programme that brings together various stakeholders to care for and build resilience of the elderly and the vulnerable in the community.